Saturday, October 2, 2010

Effective Cleaning and Prevention Strategies for Mold

Molds such as fungus mold and slime mold are found most of the time in areas that have high humidity levels such as bathrooms, kitchens, damp basements and laundry rooms. It is most beneficial and preventive maintenance, to try and keep mold from growing in these potential mold-breeding areas.  If it's too late, you can try mold remediation and mold removal.

Since mold and mildew release mold spores in the air that can float throughout the house, severe allergic reactions such as watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing, nasal congestion and fatigue, can occur. When mold begins to reproduce inside a home, it can eat away at the structure, cause thousands of dollars in damage,  and possibly make someone in your family ill from mold exposure. There are several mold cleaning, prevention, and mold removal methods to deal with this persistent problem. I suggest using a combination of these products below, to reduce mold to safe levels throughout your home.

Step 1: You should start with a dehumidifier, since basements must be dried out, and humidity levels shou
ld be maintained at about 50% relative humidity or lower to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Step 2: An Air Purifier with a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Absolute) filter will help filter your indoor air. HEPA air cleaners help eliminate airborne mold spores.

Step 3: The use of a HEPA Vacuum Cleaners, because vacuuming with HEPA  filter vacuums can reduce mold spore concentrations in damp areas and carpets. A HEPA vacuum properly traps mold spores that can remain or be spread into the air.

Step 4: If you have a steam cleaner that would also help. A Vapor Steam Cleaner will clean, disinfect, deodorize, and kill dust mites and mold. They are the perfect tool for allergy sufferers and those with multiple chemical sensitivities- especially mold allergies.

Step 5:  Buy cleaning supplies that inhibit the growth of mold and mildew without the use of harsh chemicals or toxins. There are many healthy and free of harsh chemicals cleaning products out there to help attack and prevent mold build-up in your home. I recommend products like Vital Oxide Mold Remover or Allersearch Aller Mold to attack mold areas.   Some of these cleaners control mold and bacteria by oxidizing it instead of bleaching it.

Step 6: Mold test kits  will help you identify a number of molds which contribute to asthma, allergic reactions and respiratory health problems so you'll know where your problem areas are.

Step 7:  Another beneficial mold killer is a UV Sanitizer, to  eliminate more than 99% of all household mold, germs, bacteria, viruses and other allergens.

Step 8: Mold can start to grow within 24-48 hours in mildew-prone areas of your home. The use of a Steam Mop would quickly clean up dirt, stains and grease and kill mold, spores and bacteria.

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