Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to Control Your Home's Ventilation and Maintaining Good Indoor Air Quality

With today's newer building technology to make houses more energy-efficient, your home is now more insulated... "sealed" the point of being considered "airtight", and because of that, ventilation becomes critical in maintaining good indoor air quality. 

To achieve good ventilation conditions, stale, humid, contaminated and oxygen-depleted air, needs to be exchanged with fresher outdoor air. This is difficult to achieve and to control by simple ventilation, opening windows or depending on small permanent vents for exhausting stale indoor air. Wind conditions may vary, and some exterior surfaces will be exposed to face positive winds, blowing against the house.  At the same time, sheltered surfaces cause negative pressure, creating a suction effect. When this occurs, chimneys get a downdraft and could create smoke fumes. This draft of air in rooms with open fires in fireplaces, boilers or heating appliances, if not sealed against indoor air, when ignited, combust indoor oxygen and deplete the room of oxygen. Worse yet, it can create a build-up of carbon monoxide to dangerous levels.

Radioactive radon gas levels can also increase indoors, by open chimneys, drawing warm air up and out. This can happen in circumstances where there’s a lack of ventilation vents. The interior spaces can create a negative air pressure with the ground, thereby vacuuming radon up from below the ground and trapping it within the interior environment of the house. 

Odors from toilets, grease and fumes from cooking, all create health problems. However, the most common health damage caused by poor ventilation is a build-up of humidity and condensation.

High relative humidity conditions are now quite common in homes, especially since the fitting of draft-sealed windows and closing of permanent vents. Can you imagine the amount of vapor you create in your home, from washing, cooking, breathing, and even perspiring....being sealed within your home during the cold and therefore, long heating season, sometimes lasting several months? Therefore, you need quality ventilation, without giving discomfort to you and your family and without causing a heat loss from uncontrolled cold drafts. 

Asthma has increased tremendously over the last twenty years and much of this increase is triggered from high humidity, producing condensation and molds, and favoring conditions for dust-mites to multiply.

An effective solution to ventilation for airtight homes, is fitting a Heat Recovery Ventilation System. This is to prevent warm interior air that’s heated during the cold days of winter, from driving through the exterior building elements, to balance with the outside ambient colder air. The warmer, interior air typically suspends more water vapor then the outside colder air, causing a differential vapor pressure. This pressure drives the warm air to the outside, to balance the vapor pressure with the outside environment. It is therefore critical to
prevent this vapor-packed air from driving through permeable materials like plasterboard and timber that are fitted on the inside of insulation. This is achieved by laying a vapor-resisting, airtight membrane, ‘smart-ply’ OSB boards or by applying coats of wet plaster rendering. It is also important to eliminate all small gaps at joints and junctions that leak moist, warm, interior air to the colder air outside, which contains much less water vapor. This is achieved by hermetically sealing all joints and junctions.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How Can You Tell if your Home’s Air Contains Pollutants?

To answer right just don't know.  You don't know, but doing some investigating in and around your home and using your 5 senses, you should be able to determine if it does.

I've did some research and came up with a 30-point checklist that highlights the typical sources of indoor air pollution in the average home. You can use it to decide whether or not your home is likely to be experiencing air quality issues.

If you check off any of the following "opportunities", the chances are good that your home could use some indoor air remedial action. The more checks you make on your list, the greater that action likely needs to be and the faster it probably should happen.

If you didn't check off any opportunities, that indicates your home is probably free of indoor air quality problems, but it’s wise to adopt a few principles of healthy precaution to keep things that way!
1. Does my home have unusual and/or lingering odors?
2. Does my home regularly have stale or stuffy air?
3. Is my central heating and cooling equipment dirty or not working properly?
4. Does anyone in my household suffer frequent colds, allergies, respiratory problems, or burning eyes?
5. Does my home regularly experience high humidity?
6. Are mold or mildew present in any room?
7. Does anyone in my house smoke indoors or do I regularly have guests who smoke indoors?
8. Does my basement have a radon problem?
9. Is my fireplace or woodstove malfunctioning or improperly vented?
10. Does my home typically accumulate a lot of dust that requires regular removal?
11. Do I use any synthetic chemical household cleaners?
12. Do I use any room deodorizers and/or air freshening products?
13. Do I use hair spray or other synthetic personal care products, especially spray products, perfumes, and nail polish supplies?
14. Do I use any pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or other poisons inside or outside my home?
15. Has my home been recently painted or have any furnishings been recently painted or varnished?
16. Is my home weatherized or otherwise sealed tightly to conserve energy?
17. Does my home contain any ceiling panels, acoustic ceiling tiles, or similar products?
18. Does my home contain any decorative wallpaper less than one year old?
19. Has my home been remodeled or added onto in the last two years?
20. Does my home contain any new furniture or carpeting less than one year old?
21. Has my home had any furniture or fixtures like cabinetry added to it in the past two years that are made from pressed or composite
22. Do I use kerosene or other non-electric space heaters?
23. Does anyone in the house engage in hobbies or other activities that make frequent use of adhesives like rubber cement or model glue,
    strippers, finishes, paints, wood fillers, etc.?
25. Do I have any textile product labeled permanent press, easy-care, wrinkle-free, flame-resistant, etc. that are less than one year old?
26. Does my home contain any synthetic foams?
27. Do I use dry cleaning services regularly?
28. Is my home located on or near any heavily traveled roads?
29. Are any of my home’s various flue pipes, vents, or chimneys damaged in any way?
30. Does my home contain any copy machines or computer laser printers?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Affordable Ways To Seek Allergy Relief

Do you suffer from allergies?  If you do, are you looking for affordable ways to seek allergy relief?  If you are, you will want to continue reading on.  Below, a few easy and affordable steps that you can take to reduce your allergy symptoms are outlined.

If you have good health insurance, you will want to visit your doctor.  He or she cannot only provide you with prescription medication, but he or she may also be able to provide you with additional tips.  These tips may include other natural and easy ways that you can go about seeking relief.  Management tips, including how you can learn to live with allergies, may also be discussed by your doctor.  Those with adequate health insurance, often find this approach easy and affordable.

If you do not have health insurance and if you cannot afford a visit to the doctor, you will want to examine over-the-counter products that are designed to provide relief to those suffering from allergies.  Over-the-counter products are often much cheaper than getting a prescription without insurance.  For the best level of success and relief, you will want to research online or ask those that you know for information on which over-the-counter products work the best.  Seeking recommendations or reading ratings and reviews online is a great way to save money.  Of course, be sure to read all warning labels before trying an over-the-counter allergy relief product.

Another natural and easy way to seek allergy relief is by removing yourself from the source of your problems or at least limiting your exposure.  For example, if you are allergic to pets and if you are a pet owner, consider seeing if a friend or family member can take your pet for you.  If you do not want to take this approach or if you cannot find a good home for your pet, limit the contact that you have with them, especially indoors.  Keep all pets off furniture as much as possible and keep them out of your bedroom.

Clean your home as much as possible.  There are some individuals who are allergic to mold and large amount of dust.  If are one of those individuals, you may find it difficult to clean your home.  One tip involves cleaning your home as much as possible.  This is a great way to limit the dust that accumulates in your home.  Although not necessarily affordable, you may also want to consider using a professional housecleaner.  In keeping with professional help, if you suffer from mold and mildew allergies, consider calling on a professional mold remover.  Although not cheap, it is the best way to seek relief and your home may also increase in value.  If this expense is too much, consider limiting the amount of time you spend in your basement or other areas where mold is present.

Green tea is another easy and natural way to seek relief from allergies.  Some teas have natural antihistamines in them.  These are a great way and affordable way to seek relief.  Even teas without natural antihistamines in them can help, as tea is known for it calming affect.  The comfort and calmness provided may be welcomed with open arms by those suffering from severe allergy symptoms.

As you likely already know, allergies come in a number of different formats and those suffering from allergies often have different symptoms.  If you suffer from hives, oatmeal should be used.  Oatmeal should be prepared with one cup of boiling water.  Wait a few minutes, around thirty minutes, and then strain.  The remaining liquid can be applied to the skin and hives.  A small paper towel or cotton ball will work.

As you can see, there are a number of affordable ways that you can go about seeking relief from many common allergy symptoms.  If you suffer from allergies, you are encouraged to give the above mentioned approaches a try.  You have nothing to lose by doing so, as most of the above mentioned steps are easy and affordable to take.

Tips For Managing Pet Allergies

Do you suspect that you have a pet allergy?  If you do, you may be looking for ways to seek relief or you may be looking for tips on how you can manage having a pet allergy.  If you are, you will want to continue reading on, as a few helpful tips are outlined below.

Although there are a number of steps that you can take to treat or manage allergies that are due to pets, it is first important to make sure that you do have a pet allergy.  Visit a healthcare provider or do your own experiments at home or when you are around animals. Do your symptoms get better when you are not near a pet?  If so, you may have a pet allergy.  Determining whether or not you do have pet allergies can help you save a lot of time and stress, should you actually not have an allergy.

If you do have a pet allergy or if you truly suspect that you do, it is advised that you schedule a visit with your healthcare provider.  A doctor may recommend over-the-counter allergy relief medications for you.  They may also prescribe a medication, depending on your symptoms.  Although over-the-counter medicines and prescription medicines are all great ways to seek relief from allergies, it is also important to know that there are a number of natural steps that you can and should take.

One of the best ways to deal with a pet allergy is to remove the pet or pets from your home.  If you aren't a pet owner, but if you have allergy symptoms when visiting friends or family, reconsider your choice to do so.  Of course, you can limit the amount of time you are there or reduce your visits, but you may want to consider doing something else instead.  Shopping, eating lunch, or having a cup of coffee are all great alternatives.

If you are a pet owner who cannot bear to part with your pets, like if you consider them to be a member of your family, keep your pet or pets out of your bedroom.  The bedroom is the place where many individuals spend most of their time.  The last thing that you want to be doing is suffering from allergies when trying to get a good nights sleep.  If you are a visitor, as opposed to the pet owner, ask to move outside, if the weather is nice.  You can also ask to move to a room where the pets aren't allowed.

Vacuuming as much as possible is another great way to relieve the symptoms of pet allergies.  If you own a cat or a dog, invest in a good, quality vacuum cleaner, namely one that uses HEPA technology.  There are also vacuum cleaners that are designed for pet owners.  They may be a good idea if you are suffering from pet allergies.  Many come with attachments that allow you to easily get pet air off of bedding and furniture.

As previously stated, it is important to remember that you can suffer from pet allergies even if you aren't a pet owner.  If you know of someone who is a pet owner, like a close friend or family member, be sure to talk to them about your pet allergy.  Of course, they will not get rid of their pets just for you, but they may take proactive steps to make their home a safer place for you.  These steps may involve keeping their pets in another room or vacuuming before you come over.

As previously stated, if you do suffer from pet allergies or if you suspect that you may, it is a wise idea to schedule a visit with your doctor.  He or she can prescribe medication to you or offer other helpful tips.  With that being said, if you are uninsured, please try some of the easy and affordable steps highlighted above.

Natural Allergy Relief: Is It Possible?

Do you suffer from allergies?  If you do, you may have been prescribed prescription medication by your doctor.  If not, you may have still tired a number of over-the-counter allergy relief medications and products.  Unfortunately, medicine does not always work for all allergy sufferers.  That leaves many individuals wondering if there is a way that they can seek more natural relief, without the use of medicine.

As for whether or not you can seek allergy relief without the use of prescription medication or over-the-counter products, you will find that you can.  In fact, you will find that you have a number of different options.  Some of these options are not only safer than using medicine, but they are also much cheaper.

If you do not suffer from food allergies, you can use food as way to seek relief.  As for why you should avoid this approach if you suffer from a food allergy, it is because you may have another allergic reaction, which you are trying to prevent.  With that said, if you are suffering from seasonal allergies, pet allergies, mold and mildew allergies, certain foods may be able to provide you with relief.  These foods include the juice from a lime, namely when mixed with lukewarm water, eating one or two bananas a day, as well as drinking vegetable juices.

Another more natural way to relive some of the symptoms that are associated with allergies is with vitamin B5.  Although many sometimes consider vitamin supplements to be medicine, they aren't really.  Even though you will be taking a supplement, it is still much more natural than many allergy relief medications.  For how much vitamin B5 should be taken, most recommend one supplement a day for around two or three months.

Despite the fact that natural ways to seek relief from allergies are most commonly associated with natural remedies that involve certain foods, vitamins, and herbs, there are other steps that you can take.  For example, you can remove yourself from your trigger factors.  For example, if you have allergies that are due to mold and mildew, avoid areas in your home where mold or mildew is present, like your basement.  If you suffer from allergies due to dust, consider hiring a professional cleaning service or you can clean more often, which should reduce the amount of dust that accumulates overtime.

As it was previously stated, it is advised that you display caution if you suffer from a food allergy.  This is because many food allergies are more severe than other allergies, such as pet allergies.  Those who are allergic to peanuts can actually go into shock and die within a matter of minutes.  For that reason, if you suffer from food allergies, you will not want to just limit your consumption of foods, but you will want to completely eliminate the food or foods that you are allergic to from your diet.  This is important to know as some sufferers do get other allergies confused.  For example, those who suffer from pet allergies don't always need to find a new home for their pets, but they should limit their contact.  However, it is important to remember that food allergies and pet allergies are not the same.

As previously stated, there are a number of different ways that you can natural seek allergy relief.  If you are looking for more steps that you can take, perform a standard internet search online.  Also, consider investing in natural remedy books or guides that are designed to help those living with allergies.

Friday, August 13, 2010

What Makes the IQ Air Health Pro Plus Air Cleaner the Best?

Not All Air Purifiers Are Created Equal...

Efficiency ratings of many air purifiers sound very impressive, but the actual
air purifier effectiveness does not mirror the claims made for the product.
HEPA-Air Purifiers will often boast of removing 99.97% for particles of 0.3 microns and larger.  Very impressive, BUT this claim is based on theory and not on the actual clean air produced by the air cleaner.   System leakage and sub-par construction can greatly reduce the air filtration efficiency of an air purifier.   Independent testing has shown that many popular air cleaners don't even meet 10% of the claims stated on their label. This is where the IQ Air Health Pro Plus stands above the rest.

Advanced "individual unit" testing in their laboratories determines the actual air filtration efficiency of each unit.  Add  the fact that the
IQ Air Health Pro Plus model was the first air purifier ever to get a "0" rating on the particle counter test...meaning that no particles escaped the advanced Hyper-HEPA filtration
system. Swiss-made IQ Air purifiers are regarded as some of the highest-quality units in the air purification industry. For more than 40 years, the company has manufactured units using superior filtering technology, quality components, and skilled craftsmanship. As a result, their air cleaners have received more #1 product reviews than any other air cleaner manufacturer.

Designed for residential use, the
HealthPro series of room air purifiers have a modular tower design and are available in several models including the HealthPro, the HealthPro Compact and the HealthPro Plus.
Here's how they work: The machine draws in air from below, at foot level, picking up airborne mites and dust in the process. It circulates the air inside the machine and filters particles and pollutants through a series of internal filters. Four advanced filtration technologies  remove particles, pollutants, odors and allergens. Once purified, the air is released out of the top of the machine, bringing clean air back into the room. Some HealthPro models don't have all four internal filters, so check the model details carefully in deciding which one may be right for you.
Six fan speeds are featured on every model in the series, which allows the user to choose the ideal performance level desired. Included with each model is a remote control, a Programmable Control Panel and an Intelligent Filter Life Monitor. I really like the IQAir control panel because it gives you simple, accurate information about what the unit is doing, while making it easy for you to control its operation. The LCD display tells you the cubic feet per minute (CFM) of air being drawn through the machine, and an LED light reminds you when to change the filter.

With 6 fan speeds, you can set the unit to run on certain speeds at certain times of the day, so that, for example, you can run it higher at night, but slower during the day, in order to reduce
noise. The only complaint.... I noticed, that at high speeds, the fan was really loud....noticebly loud enough to interfere with communication with my colleagues.
IQAir machines produce no undesirable by-products that could harm the consumer or the environment. All IQAir purifiers are certified by the International Association of Air Cleaner Manufacturers (IAACM) to be 100% ozone-free. Ozone is a highly reactive gas that, while killing bacteria, can also affect the respiratory system and irritate lung function, causing coughing, throat irritation or an uncomfortable chest-sensation. It can be especially hazardous to people with debilitating respiratory systems.

Being a former distributor for an
ozone air purifier company, I  fully experienced the irritating effects of ozone. I like the IQAir much better than the Ecoquest Living Air air purifiers. IQAir moves a lot of air, and after reviewing these units, I simply don't believe that you can clean a large volume of air without moving a large volume of air through a filtration unit. A "silent" or "breeze" air purifier, in my opinion, isn't moving enough air to be effective.

After testing the
IQ Air Health Pro Plus, I highly recommend these units as the best over-all air purifiers.  If you'd like more information on the company and the IQ Air Health Pro air cleaners, click on link or images below...

Should I Have my Air Ducts Cleaned?

Air Duct Cleaning
Get An Estimate
We'll clean your home from the inside out...

Most homeowners have no idea what goes
on inside their home's air ducts. But the
fact is, they can become littered with years
of accumulated dirt, debris and allergens like
pollen, dust and pet dander.

Industry standards recommend that you have your air ducts inspected every 2 years for cleanliness, and have them cleaned, on average, every 5-7 years. Of course, this will vary with the conditions in your home.

By having your air ducts cleaned regularly, you’ll help improve the indoor air quality in your home, and enhance the efficiency of your heating/cooling system, which may reduce energy bills.

This is an ad by a "typical" duct-cleaning service company.

If you don't know if your house has ever had its duct cleaned and you feel its time to have it done...let me give you some food for thought.
If it's been more than 5-7 years since you've lived in your house, it might appear to be obvious that duct cleaning would be needed. But that is not necessarily the case.  The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that air ducts be cleaned only if they contain substantial deposits of mold or dust, are infested with vermin, if family members have allergies or other respiratory ailments, or if there is a musty odor coming from the ducts. The EPA suggests consulting with the service that you use to maintain your heating and cooling equipment.

Health Claims and Duct Cleaning

It's true that cleaning out your HVAC or central air system can improve air circulation and safeguard your health in cases of blowing particles, mold growth, and related issues. What isn't so accurate is that cleaning your ducts can give you extroardinary changes to better health for you. The EPA and the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) warn consumers to beware of any company that makes huge positive health claims over a simple cleaning of your ducts. Obviously there are plenty of examples of how cleaning your system can benefit your health, such as curbing mold growth, blowing particles, allergens which may get blown through the system, and other health issues that can affect some people more negatively than others. Compare the claims of competing duct-cleaning services and hire the company that makes the most sense.

Firms that clean air ducts can also be consulted. Some may provide free inspections of your air ducts. But keep in mind that duct-cleaning companies want to sell their services and that their opinions might be biased. If you are handy, sometimes possibly check the inside ducts yourself, by removing a register and using a flashlight and mirror.

Air-duct cleaning can cause problems, especially if cleaning is done by poorly trained workers or the equipment they use is defective. Contaminants can be released by faulty vacuum systems, and clumsy work can damage the heating and cooling system. Therefore.... there is no definite schedule for cleaning.  For more information on possible problems and answers to other questions about air-duct cleaning, visit the EPA Web site... ... and search for Air Duct Cleaning.

Another source of information worth checking into, is the Web site of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dog Allergies: What To Do If You Are Allergic To Your Dog

Are you a pet owner who thinks that you may be allergic to your dog?  If you are, you may be looking for guidance.  After all, there is nothing worse than realizing that you are allergic to your beloved pet or pets.

One of the first things that you will want to do is make sure that you do have a pet allergy.  Sometimes, the symptoms of having a pet allergy can be caused by other allergies or by another medical illness, such as the flu or the common cold.  Those who suffer from pet allergies may experience a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, postnasal drip, develop a skin rash, or have difficultly breathing.  If you experience severe allergy symptoms or if you would like conformation that you do have a pet allergy, schedule a visit with a healthcare professional.

As for how you can go about treating your pet allergies that are due to your dog, you can remove the dog from your home.  If you are unable to do so or if you choose not to, you will want to see if you can find it a good home.  Friends or family members who are willing to take your pet are often considered the best option.  Even if you want to keep your dog with you, there are still a number of steps that you can take to seek relief from some common dog allergy symptoms.

The best way to limit your allergy symptoms that can be attributed to your dog is to keep your dog or dogs out of your bedroom.  The bedroom is the room where we spend most of our time.  For that reason, your dog or dogs should be kept out of your bedroom.  Doing so, may limit the number of irritating symptoms you display.  It may also help to get you a good night of sleep.  In addition to the bedroom, it is also important to examine other rooms that you may spend a good portion of your time.  Consider keeping your dog or dogs out of that room as well.

Another great tip involves not letting your dog or dogs climb on your furniture.  This is particularly important if you like to lie down on your couch or rest in a reclining chair.  You do not want to have pet dander and hair in your face.  If you must, covers can be used.  There are a number of cloth style covers that can be used.  They are a great alternative to the unattractive plastic covers.  With that in mind, should you use cloth covers, be sure to wash them every few days or when too much pet hair accumulates.

Investing in an air purifier is another way that you can seek relief from a dog allergy, without having to find a new home for your beloved pet.  Air purifiers work by eliminating air particles, including pet dander.  It is best if you search online for air purifiers that are designed to help those with allergies.  These air purifiers can easily be found with a standard internet search.  Also, HEPA air filters and HEPA air purifiers are known for their amazing results.

Vacuuming as much as possible is another way to manage the symptoms that you may be experiencing due to having a dog allergy.  In addition to vacuuming often, be sure to take a good, close look at the vacuum cleaner you are using.  There are now vacuum cleaners that use HEPA filters and they come highly rated and recommended.  In fact, there are even some vacuum cleaners that are targeted towards and marketed towards pet owners.  You should examine these vacuum cleaners.

The above mentioned steps are a few of the many steps that you can take to seek relief from allergies that you may be suffering due to close contact with your dog.  As reminder, a doctor may be able to prescribe you prescription medication or recommend over-the-counter products that may work just as well.  With that said, remember that treating allergies, especially pets allergies, naturally is usually much safer.

How To Choose An Air Purifier For Allergy Relief

Are you looking for relief from your allergy symptoms?  If you are, you may want to examine air purifiers.  Air purifiers are a great way to seek relief from many of the most common allergy symptoms.  In fact, some individuals see a complete elimination of allergy symptoms when they are in a home that has an air purifier.

If this is the first time that you are interested in buying an air purifier, you may be looking for guidance. After all, there are hundreds of air purifiers currently available for sale.  If you are overwhelmed with all of your options, you will want to continue reading on.  A few tips to help you buy an air purifier are outlined below for your convenience.

When looking to buy an air purifier for allergies, it is first advised that you examine HEPA air purifiers.  Air purifiers that use HEPA technology come highly rated and recommended.  All air purifiers capture and hold potentially harmful particles from the air, including mold, dust mites, and pet dander, but some do it better than others.  It has been said that HEPA air filters trap around 90% of particles in the air, on average.  This percentage is much higher than most other air purifiers and air filters.

Another great way to go about buying an air purifier that will produce good, quality results is by asking those that you know for recommendations.  You can and should speak to your neighbors, coworkers, family, friends, and well as your doctor.  Air purifiers have increased in popularity over the past few years.  This is mostly due in part to the fact that many want to improve their health and the air insider their homes.  If an individual that you know uses an air purifier, ask them for information on their purifier.  Do they like it? What are the pros and cons of owning?

Another tip to help you choose an air purifier for allergy relief is by doing research online.  If you like the price of an air purifier that you see available for sale locally, you may want to refrain from buying it right away.  Instead, write down the make and model and do the research online when you get home.  Many air purifiers are rated and reviewed online.  Reading reviews and examining ratings can help you save money by avoiding air purifiers that are not worth their cost or too costly to maintain.

When looking to buy an air purifier for allergy relief, it is important to take quality into consideration.  As previously stated, rating, reviews, and recommendations can help you gauge the quality of an air purifier.  It is also important to restate that not all allergy air purifiers are created equal, as they do tend to produce different results.  If you suffer from allergies, you will want to seek the best relief possible.  Also, examine air purifiers for allergies that come with warranties.  Generally speaking, a warranty means that a manufacturer completely stands behind their product, which should help to give you comfort and peace of mind.

Cost should also be examined when looking to choose an air purifier.  When it comes to cost, it is always important to remember that you get what you pay for.  You can expect to pay more money for high end air purifiers, but most find it more than worth it.  To help you save money, consider shopping online or at least comparing prices online first.  It is also important to examine the long-term costs of owning an air purifier.  If filters are used, how often do they need to be replaced?  What are the cost of them?  Remember that you often end up paying more than just the sticker price when buying an air purifier.

The above mentioned factors should all be taken into consideration when looking to buy an air purifier.  As a reminder, not all air purifiers are created equal, so make sure that you are buying the best.

Friday, August 6, 2010

How To Tell If You Have Allergies

Do you think that you may be suffering from allergies?  If you do, you may looking for confirmation.  The good news is that there are a number of approaches that you can take to help you tell if you do have an allergy problem.

Perhaps, the easiest way to determine if you have allergies is by seeking the advice of a medical professional.  Doctors are one of the best ways to receive a proper diagnosis.  In fact, did you know that if you are suffering from allergies, you may be able to get a prescription medication through your doctor?  Even if you aren't prescribed anything, your doctor will likely provide you with more information.  This information may include natural ways that you seek relief from your allergy symptoms or tips on how to cope with them.

As for how a health care professional can go about determining whether or not you have allergies, as well as what type of allergies you do suffer from, a number of steps will be taken.  They may ask you to return home and do your own experiments, like if you suffer from pet allergies.  This approach isn't always common though, as some health professionals are worried about what would happen with a severe allergic reaction.  So, chances are a number of tests will be performed under the supervision of your doctor or another trained professional.  If you have a food allergy, you may have to sample foods that you believe may be causing the reaction, and so forth.

Another one of the many ways that a doctor may make a diagnosis, concerning allergies, is by having their patients describe their symptoms.  In fact, symptoms are an easy way for you to determine yourself whether or not you are suffering from allergies.  Although some allergies types do have different signs and symptoms, you will find that many are quite similar.  These symptoms may include hives, a runny nose, sneezing, chest congestion, and a postnasal drip.  Those who suffer from food allergies may experience a loss of consciousness or difficultly breathing.  If you experience these symptoms, medical attention must be sought immediately.  As for pet allergies, the above mentioned symptoms are often experienced, but some individuals may develop skin rashes where their pets brushed up against their skin.

As it was previously stated, food allergies are known to cause the most severe allergic reactions, especially peanut allergies and wheat allergies.  If you suspect that you suffer from these two food allergies, it is important to stop eating wheat or peanut products immediately and seek medical attention.  On the other, hand if you are dealing with seasonal allergies, allergies due to pet dander, or mold and mildew allergies, you may be able to treat your symptoms naturally.  There are a number of online websites that list home remedies and natural remedies that should work for most allergy sufferers.  There are also natural remedy and home remedy books that can be found both on and offline.  In fact, there are printed resources available for those looking for more information on allergies, such as how to manage or treat the symptoms, as well as how to cope with them.

As highlighted above, it can be easy for some individuals to determine whether or not they have an allergy problem.  If you suspect that you do, like if you have a number of the above mentioned symptoms, it may still be a good idea to schedule an appointment with your physician.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Know If There Is An Indoor Air Problem

Indoor air can be polluted enough  to harm your family's health.  If you're worried that the air in your home may put your family at risk, do a little investigating to find the likely culprit.  Walk through your house and ask yourself a few questions to discover if the indoor air is causing a problem.

Do health symptoms improve when you step outdoors? Do they return when you come back into the house?  If so, you may have an indoor air pollution problem and should explore the following potential sources.

    1) Is anyone smoking indoors? Have smokers step outside when smoking.
    2) Can you see or smell mold or mildew?   
    3) Are there leaks or standing water the basement, kitchen or attic?
    4) Is humidity regularly above 50 percent?
    5) Have you recently remodeled your home or bought new furniture, carpeting or have you painted?
    6) Do you have fuel-burning appliances, such as a gas stove, water heater, or fireplace fully vented to the   

    7) Are household chemicals, paints or solvents stored indoors or in an attached garage or basement?
    8) Is there an attached garage or basement where cars, lawnmowers or motorcycles are stored?
    9) Have you used pesticides recently?
    10) Is there an attached garage or basement where cars, lawnmowers or motorcycles are stored?
    11) Have you tested your home for radon gas?  Although radon doesn't cause noticeable, 

          physical symptoms, you should test your home for this dangerous substance.  
    12) Has food garbage been covered and removed?  
    13) Do you use odor- covering chemicals or "air-freshening" devices?

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How To Manage And Treat Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Do you find yourself feeling miserable, coughing, or sneezing at about the same time each and every year?  If you do, it is important to note that you may be suffering from seasonal allergies.  Although it is possible to suffer from seasonal allergies all year round, many individuals find that their symptoms are worst during the spring and fall.

As for how you can go about seeking relief from your seasonal allergy symptoms or at least how you can manage them, there are a number of important steps that you will want to take.  These steps, a few of which are actually recommended by those in the medical field, are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the first things that you will want to do, when looking to manage or treat your seasonal allergy symptoms is know what your trigger factors are..  When you experience a runny nose, stuffy nose, a cough, or chest congestion, there is likely something in particular that is triggering it.  For many, the culprit is pollen, ragweed, as well as mold.  As far as mold is concerned, many believe that it is only found inside homes and other buildings, but mold is actually quite common outdoors, especially after rainfall.

Another one of the many ways that you can go about seeking relief from seasonal allergies is by seeking the proper treatment.  Although some individuals are able to manage their symptoms on their own, many more need to seek relief from prescription medications or at least over-the-counter products.  This is where visiting a doctor may be a good idea, especially if your seasonal allergy symptoms cause you pain or discomfort.  As previously stated, your doctor will likely prescribe allergy relief medication to you, especially if he or she thinks that your allergy symptoms are severe enough.

If you decide to seek relief from your seasonal allergies without the use of a doctor, but still with medication, you will likely turn to over-the-counter products.  Before taking an over the counter product, be sure to read all warning labels and all information that is provided to you.  Some over-the-counter medications can react with others or have side effects.  If you want reassurance that you will be trying a safe product and one that is known to produce results, you may want to speak to any other seasonal allergy sufferers that you know, a pharmacist, or you can read reviews on over-the-counter products online.

In addition to the above mentioned steps, which all involve the use of some form of medicine, it is also important to know that many individuals are able to seek relief from their seasonal allergies with natural steps or other small easy steps.  For example, The Weather Channel is known for outlining high pollen counts in certain areas. They often do so on live broadcasts as well as on their website.  If your area is impacted by high levels of pollen, it may be a wise idea to stay indoors or at least wear a protective mask.  Checking any pets that you may have is another great tip that many do not think of.  Longhaired cats and dogs can get pollen and ragweed stuck on their hair, which can later result in it making its way into your home.

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Nasal Allergies - What They Are And What You Can Do

Nasal allergies are better known by its common name, allergic rhinitis. This type of allergy is extremely common.

But, if these reactions only happen during specific periods of the year, then you have a seasonal allergy, usually caused by pollen grains being spread out in the air at about the same time as your allergies. There are also perennial allergies that can happen no matter what day of the year. But the good part is that you and your doctor can work out a treatment for you that will minimize the occurrences and keep your allergy in check.

Nasal Allergy Manifestations
A nasal allergy reaction is a bit like getting a sudden bout of the colds. You"ll sneeze, have watery eyes, have a runny nose with a clear liquid discharge, and all the other unpleasant side effects coming in with colds like having a sore throat and cough. This may seem like just an irritation, but there's more to your nasal allergies than just that.

Common Causes

All allergy attacks are triggered by an allergen, which is the substance that your body recognizes as an outside threat and will attempt to block it. A common allergen during the summer months when flowers are in bloom is pollen, which can float around in the air and end up entering your respiratory tract.

Mold also does the same thing, so you can really feel like you"re having a mix of irritants, which is probably also the case. The last common sources of nasal allergies are animals, whether it's from dust mites or pet dander from your dog. These can all trigger allergic reactions from your body.

Diagnosis of Allergies

A simple evaluation by your doctor of your nasal symptoms can define the best way on how to diagnose if you have a nasal allergy. Then you can undergo tests to determine the best method of treatment for your case.  It would also be very helpful to your doctor if you provide some medical background and history on your allergies, such as when it started, which periods of the year it occurs, and heredity factors.
A physical exam could also test your body parts for faults. Once it's all finished, you and your doctor can plan a way on how to treat your allergies with medication, allergen avoidance, and possibly immunotherapy so that you won't have to endure those allergies forever.
The most effective treatment of allergies, however, is to avoid being exposed to it as much as possible. If you"re allergic to pollen grains, then it might be a good idea to limit your time in parks during the summer, where there are lots of trees and other plants who spread pollen quite well.
Depending on the medical advice your doctor gives, you just have to follow it to make sure that your nasal allergies are minimized and possibly avoided entirely.
Animals are also good sources of nasal infection, so keep your surroundings clean of pet hair and other materials by cleaning and vacuuming often.
You won't have to do so many complicated things just to avoid a simple allergen material, and common sense still applies. Wherever your allergen is bound to be grown or found, better keep yourself away from it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Air Cleaners Help in Reducing Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor air contaminants are undesirable, occasionally dangerous materials in the air. Indoor air pollution is among the top four environmental health risks. Generally the best method to address this risk is to manage or even get rid of the actual sources of contaminants, and to ventilate a home with clean outside air. The air flow technique may, nevertheless, end up being restricted through weather conditions or unwanted amounts of pollutants included in outdoor air. In the event that these types of steps tend to be inadequate, an air cleaning system might be helpful. Air cleaners are designed to get rid of pollutants from indoor air. Some air cleaning devices are designed to be set up in the ductwork of a home’s central heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system to clean the air in the whole house. Portable space air cleaners may be utilized to clean the air in an individual room or particular places, however they are not designed for whole-house purification. In following blogs, I will inform you of different types of air cleaning devices and how they work.

Indoor Air Pollutants

Pollutants which may have an effect on air quality within the house fall into the following categories: 

 Air particle matter consists of dirt, cigarette smoke, plant pollen, pet dander, cigarettes smoke, contaminants produced through combustion home appliances such as cooking ovens, as well as particles connected with tiny microorganisms such as dust mites, molds, bacteria, and viruses.       

 Gaseous contaminants come from combustion procedures. Sources include gas cooking stoves, automobile exhaust, as well as cigarettes smoke. They additionally come from building materials, home furniture, and the use of products such as adhesives, paints, varnishes, cleaning items, and pesticide sprays.

What Kinds of Contaminants Can a good Air Cleaner Remove?

There are a number of types of air cleaners available, each designed to get rid of particular kinds of contaminants.

Particle Elimination

Two kinds of air cleaners can get rid of contaminants through the air — mechanical air filters and electronic air purifiers. Mechanical air filters remove contaminants through capturing them on filter materials. High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are in this class. Electronic air cleaners such as electrostatic precipitators utilize a procedure called electrostatic attraction to trap charged particles. They pull air through an ionization area where contaminants acquire an electrical charge. The charged particles then build up on a series of flat plates known as a collector that is oppositely charged. Ion generators, or ionizers, disperse charged ions into the air, similar to the electronic air cleaners but without a collector. These ions attach to airborne particles, giving them a charge so that they attach to nearby surfaces such as walls or furniture, or attach to one another and settle faster.

Gaseous Pollutant Elimination

Gas-phase air filter systems remove gases as well as odors by using a substance known as a sorbent, such as activated carbon, that absorbs the contaminants. These types of filter systems are usually designed to remove one or more gaseous pollutants from the airstream that passes through them. Because gas-phase filters are particular to one or a restricted quantity of gaseous contaminants, they will not diffuse concentrations of pollutants for which they were not designed. Some air cleaners with gas-phase filters may rid a portion of the gaseous contaminants and a few of the related hazards temporarily. Nevertheless, none are expected to get rid of  all of the gaseous pollutants present in the air of a normal  home. For example, carbon monoxide is a dangerous gaseous pollutant which is created whenever any fuel such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal is burned, and it is not easily captured using currently available home gas-phase purification items.

Pollutant Destruction

Some of the air purifiers utilize ultraviolet (UV) light technology designed to destroy pollutants in indoor air. These types of air cleaners are known as ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) cleaners and photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) cleaners. Ozone machines which are sold as air cleaners deliberately create ozone gas, a lung irritant, in order to destroy contaminants.    

UVGI purifiers use ultraviolet radiation from UV lamps which may destroy biological pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, allergens, and molds that are airborne or growing on HVAC surfaces , such as found on cooling coils, drain pans, or ductwork. They should be applied with, but not as a replacement for, filtration systems.   

PCO cleaners utilize a UV light together with a substance, known as a catalyst, that reacts with the light. They are intended to kill gaseous pollutants by converting them into safe products, but are not really designed to get rid of particulate pollutants.
     Ozone machines use UV light or an electrical discharge to intentionally create ozone. Ozone is actually a lung  irritant which can trigger adverse health effects. At concentrations that do not exceed public health requirements, ozone offers little impact in getting rid of the majority of indoor air pollutants. Therefore, ozone generators are not always safe and efficient in managing indoor air pollutants. Buyers ought to rather utilize techniques verified to be both safe and effective to decrease pollutant levels, that consist of getting rid of or controlling pollutant sources and increasing outdoor air ventilation.

 Go to for more information on ozone machines sold as air cleaners.

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